
Auction! Single User Edition

Perfect for small to medium events, up to 150 items or so, up to approximately 200 attendees. Windows 10 recommended; also works on Windows 7 and 8, and 11.


Software can be installed on several computers. Data can be moved from one computer to another at any time. One user at any given time can enter data. Does not allow simultaneous access to the same project by more than one computer. Does not have merge capability.

Offline Capability:

Team members can work at home or wherever is most convenient. Provides a simple, well-controlled environment.


Each event project is a separate dataset; no limit on the number of projects. Maximum 9,999 bidders and items per project.

Standard in all editions:

Data structure is identical inside a product line - compatibility is designed into the product. V3 projects can be converted to V4 when upgrading between product lines.

V4 Single User

Ideal for a smaller auction event. Has all the standard features of V4. Can also be used to manage banquets and tournaments.

Premium Features

When Premium Features are added to your Auction! V4 license, menus for credit card processing and mobile bidding are included in the Data Exchange task area of Auction!.

Considerations for choosing an edition that best matches your organization needs:

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