A! Online
Once bidding has begun on Auction Items, registered users may enter a maximum bid for that item. Each time the bidder gets outbid, the site will place a new bid equal to the raise amount until such time that the next raise would exceed their stated maximum bid. At that time, the bidder will be notified that they have been outbid. If there is sufficient time left in the auction, they can either place a new bid or raise their maximum bid amount.
If a bidder is using Auto Bidding and is bidding against a "Manual" bidder, the bidder using Auto Bidding will always be the high bidder if the max bid for the bidder using Auto Bidding has been reached. For example, the bidder using Auto Bidding has a Max Bid in place of $100. The current bid is $70 with $5 increments. If a manual bidder enters a bid of $100, the bidder using Auto Bid will have their previously set max bid entered at $100, which will require the manual bidder to increase their bid by the minimum bid required to keep bidding on an item. In this case, the next bid would be $105.
No, each Buy Now item number must be paid for separately. There is no shopping cart. If a Buy Now item has a quantity available greater than one, the bidder may purchase more than one of that specific item on one transaction, however each different Buy Now Item number must be purchased on separate transactions.
The A!Online site will not be created until the merchant application for credit card processing has been signed and approved and the site setup questionnaire has been filled out and submitted.
Yes. You may set a custom start and end time for individual Buy Now and Donate items.
A donate item is an opportunity to make a monetary contribution to your organization/or cause, receiving nothing in return.
Thank you for choosing A!Online for your upcoming event.
The following information is required to complete the CardPointe/CardConnect merchant agreement to be used with our A!Online platform with card processing.
We start the application process and then the signer will receive an email from CardPointe asking that person to complete the agreement and sign electronically online. The email sent from CardPointe, cannot be forwarded to another person. It must be completed and signed by the person who originally received the email.
To complete the process the following information is required. We cannot emphasize enough that the application we (Auction Systems) start must be sent via email directly to the signer. It cannot be forwarded to the signer. The email address must be the actual signer’s email. If the email and name of the signer does not match who the application is originally emailed to, the application will be rejected an we will need to start over.
- We will not provide access to A!Online until the merchant account is open. How soon should we submit the merchant account for signature?
- Who will be the signer?
- What is the signer’s email address?
- What is the signer’s phone number?
- What is your organization’s EIN?
- What is the official name of the organization associated with the Federal EIN?
- What is the organization’s website address?
- What time zone is the organization located?
- How much do you plan to process via credit card from your event? (Minimum used for application is 50,000 to prevent hold on funds)
- How much would the average person charge? (Minimum used for application is $1000 to prevent hold on funds)
- What would be the highest ticket amount processed?
The estimated charge numbers are used to set up the account so that once you process, there should be no hold on the funds. The total amount charged will be entered in the application in the field for Average Monthly volume.
Please tell the designated signer to NOT change any of these numbers in the application. Since you will be processing only in one month, your total is the average for one month. If these numbers get changed from the figures we enter in the application, you could see a delay in receiving your funds deposited into your bank account after the cards are processed. (We purposely set the numbers high.)
We will send an email letting the signer know it has been submitted and to check spam/junk folders if it isn’t in the inbox. Once the application is in process and approved, we can complete the A!Online platform setup.
Yes. Registered users from a previous online auction, using the same email address must either use the same password too, or click Forgot Password in the Help menu to request a reset code. The reset code can be sent to the email address or to the cell phone number entered when registering for the previous auction.
Help Center Document Maintenance Template
Document Title and File Name
Document Revision – Append Revision to File Namee.g filename – Rev A
Buy Now items must be paid for at the time of purchase because the quantity purchased will be taken out of inventory and no one else can buy them. If the bidder decided not to purchase the item once the auction has concluded, no one else could have purchased the item if shopping carts were used.
Bid Wars are a way for the non-profit to make more money, and for a bidder to avoid regrets.
For an online auction, these are set at 10 minutes. If a bid comes in the last 10 minutes of the auction that is scheduled to close at 7pm, it extends the closing time for that item by 10 minutes from when the bid was placed. Other items close at the scheduled time of 7:00pm if no bids have been received during the last ten minutes of bidding. A notice is placed on the homepage of items in bid wars, and the high bidder is notified by text message.
When a bid comes in between 6:50 and 7:00, it extends the closing time for that item by 10:00 minutes. After the scheduled closing time, each bid extends the closing time by 10 minutes. For example, if a bid comes in at 7:04, the close time is extended to 7:14. If another bid comes in at 7:13, the close time is extended to 7:23. When the close time "holds steady" for 10 minutes the auction is over for that item and it closes.
If the donor does not pay for the donation at the time of the donation, the donation is not saved, thus, it does not count toward your donation goal.
There is no "shopping cart", therefore donations and Buy Now items must be paid for at time of purchase.