Fundraising Solutions
Make your auction and fundraising events a smashing success with the use of Auction Systems desktop and online event, and online auction software!
- Are you planning host an in-person fundraising event or an online auction for your non-profit charity organization soon and stressing over it?
- Want to raise anywhere from $10,000 to half a million or more?
- Have a plan in mind but can’t wrap your head around the details and need guidance?
- Pricing that fits your budget
- Create beautiful, branded, easy to use cloud based in-person event and online auctions
- Fundraising for all types and sizes non-profits-schools, religious, service, foundations, hospitals and more
- Pricing that fits your budget
- Create beautiful, branded, easy to use cloud based in-person event and online auctions
- Fundraising for all types and sizes non-profits-schools, religious, service, foundations, hospitals and more